
  1. Al-Falaq 113
  2. Andromeda & The Milky Way
  3. Beautiful
  4. Bitter
  5. Bitterly
  6. Body
  7. Come Smoke My Herb
  8. Dance Of The Infidel
  9. Earth
  10. Faithful
  11. Fellowship
  12. Fool Of Me
  13. Good Intentions
  14. If That's Your Boyfriend (He Wasn't Last Night)
  15. Leviticus: Faggot
  16. Liliquoi Moon
  17. Love Song #1
  18. Love Song #2
  19. Love Song #3
  20. Loyalty
  21. Luqman
  22. Mu-MIn
  23. Outside Your Door
  24. Papillon
  25. Satisfy
  26. Shirk
  27. Sincerity
  28. Stay
  29. Thankful
  30. Wasted Time
Testi MeShell NdegeOcello