
  1. Alleine Zu Zweit
  2. Alles Gute
  3. Any Longer 4 U
  4. As One
  5. As Tears Go By
  6. Be Free
  7. Blue Sky Of Mine
  8. By My Side
  9. Catch Me
  10. Chant D'automne
  11. Come Closer
  12. Dancing Again
  13. Dem Feuer Zu Nah
  14. Der Filou
  15. Dopp Dopp
  16. Dopp Dopp Christmas
  17. Follow
  18. Forever In Your Mind
  19. Help Me, Doctor!
  20. I Was Blind
  21. In My Dreams
  22. It's You
  23. Le Petit Cheval
  24. Lucy's Eyes
  25. Mon Ange
  26. My Sweet Children
  27. Night After Night
  28. No Time To Cry
  29. Obwohl
  30. On A Christmas Day
  31. On My Way
  32. Ordinary Girl
  33. Over You
  34. Paris In Springtime
  35. Pourquoi Alors Je Pleure?
  36. Sleep
  37. So Happy
  38. Start Believing
  39. Stay For The Night
  40. Tell Me A Poem
  41. Thank You
  42. The Man At The Window
  43. The Man On The Boardwalk
  44. The Place That I Love
  45. Time To Say Goodbye
  46. Times Are Changing
  47. True Love
  48. Und Der Regen Fällt
  49. Valerie
  50. Verzaubert
  51. War Child
  52. Weiter
  53. Wer Bist Du
  54. Where The Wind Blows Forever
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