Socially Challenged

  1. Pound Of Flesh
  2. Hate For Everyone
  3. Beergut Superhunk
  4. Socially Challenged
  5. Mr. Callahan (Told Me So)
  6. Me Good, You Crap
  7. Everybody Just Fuck Off
  8. Anger, Contempt & Arrogance
  9. Cornered
  10. Rock 'n' Roll Whore
  11. Overactive Brain
  12. Feel Free To Annihilate
  13. Get Paranoid
  14. Thrash Metal, Satanism & Alcohol
  15. Second Class Citizen
  16. Brokeback Cadillac
  17. Coldhearted Bitch
  18. Indimitation Blues
  19. One Man, Private War
  20. To Hell With It All
Testi Ronnie Ripper's Private War