- 20,000 Deaths For Eidelyn Gonzales, 20,000 Deaths For Jamie Peterson
- 666 Photos Of Nothing
- A Knife In The Sun
- Adult Friends
- Ale
- Amargi Ve Moo
- Angel Guts
- Apistat Commander
- Archie's Fades
- Arp Omni
- At Last, At Last
- Baby Captain
- Bishop, Ca
- Bitter Melon
- Black Dick
- Blacks
- Bobby Bland
- Bog People
- Border Factory
- Botanica De Los Angeles
- Boy Soprano
- Brain The Vampire
- Brooklyn Dodgers
- Brothel Creeper
- Bunny Gamer
- Buzz Saw
- Cinthya's Unisex
- Clover
- Clowne Towne
- Common Loon
- Crank Heart
- Dangerous You Shouldn't Be Here
- Dracula Parrot, Moon Moth
- El Naco
- Esquerita, Little Richard
- Fabulous Muscles - (Mama Black Widow Version)
- Faith, Torn Apart
- Fast Car
- For M.
- Forget
- Get Up
- Girl With Basket Of Fruit
- Hay Choco Bananas
- Hello From Eau Claire
- I Luv The Valley, OH!
- Ian Curtis Wishlist
- Ice Cream Truck
- It Comes Out As A Joke
- Jenny Gogo
- Lawrence Liquors
- Little Panda McElroy
- Maestro One Chord
- Mary Turner Mary Turner
- Maybae Baeby
- Mike
- Mousey Toy
- Muppet Face
- New Life Immigration
- Nieces Pieces - (Boat Knife Version)
- Normal Love
- Pahrump
- Pale Flower
- Petite
- Piña, Coconut & Cherry
- Pink City
- Pj In The Streets...
- Pox
- Pumpkin Attack On Mommy And Daddy
- Queen Of The Losers
- Red Classroom
- Rose Of Sharon
- Sad Redux-O-Grapher
- Saint Pedro Glue Stick
- Saturn
- Save Me Save Me
- Scisssssssors
- Sleep Blvd.
- Stupid In The Dark
- Support Our Troops Oh! (Black Angels Oh!)
- T.D.F.T.W.
- Tarsier, Tarsier, Tarsier, Tarsier
- The Call
- The Fox & The Rabbit
- The Pineapple Vs The Watermelon
- The Real Chaos Cha Cha Cha
- The Silver Platter
- The Wig Master
- The Wrong Thing
- Veneficium
- Vulture Piano
- Walnut House
- Wondering
- Yellow Rasberry
Testi Xiu Xiu