Testo Dive In

Testo Dive In

I think I’ve found you
Searchin high and low
Catchin your footprints
Sand between your toes

I feel the wind pick up
A cloud brings dusk
You’re my anchor
That’s why I fell in love
why we’ll leave
Leave forever

You and me in a boat
We could take on a storm
When we cast off
Baby there’s no goin ashore
If the big blue waves
Knock me overboard

Are you divin?
Are we divin?

He moana pupuke
E ekengia e te waka
Ko tō ngākau mahara
Māku e whakamārie

Me he toka tū moana
Māu ahau e whakakaha
Me he toka tū moana
He waka eke noa

Tere tohorā
Tere tāngata
Kaua e mate wheke
Mate ururoa

Ko Tūtānekai koe
Ko Hinemoa au

Kia ruku tāua
Kia ruku tāua

Tere tohorā
Tere tāngata
Kaua e mate wheke
Mate ururoa

Ko Tūtānekai koe
Ko Hinemoa au

Kia ruku tāua
Kia ruku tāua
Testi Bailey Kauri