Testo Calling

Testo Calling

Can you hear this voice of mine Wow wow wow wow Can you hear it now? No matter what happens, don't go on with this pain.... In a moment when the time passes by I feel like I began to see nothing at all The color in this city is changing and in the midst of it Somehow I feel as if we?re together Something is binding our hearts together I always care for you There?s a strong magnet that pulls me to you And everytime I feel it, I just smile helplessly One by one Lights from the windows light up If you're out there Please return to this place anytime Yes, I'm looking for you This pure untainted love is calling to us I can hear the calling... No matter how far apart we are Even when we can?t see each other We never forget each other Needing you and being needed is all there is to it And there's nothing else When you are here with me, I can be myself That's how I feel Yes, I'm looking for you Faster than words we understand each other Like a flash in one bright moment Up until now and from here on I don't think we will make any promises Still I'm calling you Let?s do what everyone else is incapable of dream the same dream with me Can you hear the calling? Can you hear this voice of mine Wow wow wow wow can you hear it now? No matter what happens, don't go on with this pain....
Testi B'Z