Testo Dunning Kruger National Park

Testo Dunning Kruger National Park

There's a deepfake sunrise breaking in through your window
But no ray of light's gonna shine you out of house and home

It's never the old souls receiving the eviction note
And it's never the imposters who are suffering with the syndrome

The slow news survivors, they're all fact-check-freedom-fighters
Mr Dunning, Mr Kruger, you've been voted off the island
There's no good or evil, there's just more or less mixed up people
And there's nobody waiting on the other side, you'll never believe why

And it's never the old souls receiving the eviction note
And it's never the imposters who are suffering with the syndrome

The white noise of your revolution
The quicksand of your fever dream
The blunt force of your decommission
The quicksand of your fever dream

It's the last laugh of the deepfake
It's the last laugh of the deepfake
It's the last laugh of the deepfake
It's the last laugh of the deepfake

Now the water is everywhere, you can see yourself everywhere
Now the water is everywhere, you can see yourself everywhere
Now the water is everywhere, you can see yourself everywhere
Now the water is everywhere, you can see yourself everywhere

Now the water is everywhere, you can see yourself everywhere
Now the water is everywhere, you can see yourself everywhere
Testi Fanning Dempsey National Park