- Fucked Up
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- Dose Your Dreams
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- Accelerate
Testo Accelerate
Testo Accelerate
Tick tock said the bomb I’ve got the pin I’ll set it off my life ignite the world a dynamitards only job to buy the fire
The trinkets shrapnel from the golden shelves just try to sell me one more piece of shit I’m looking but I can’t locate myself have you seen it
At work in the distracteries still selling monkeys to the trees the toasters got me hypnotized shiny and new I’m paralyzed
In fear of buying the wrong thing ’til Mary Magazine who sings the carols with a capital C comforts I feel safe again
So feed me to my own desires this freedom’s made me mesmerized you’ve got to choose your side sir will it be the salad or the fries
Children played under a fountain spouting coupons between sliding doors that let the people in one at a time but never back out
Where is the thing I like from here I can’t remember where I parked my car I think I might become one of those people who is crazy
Now I’ve lost my keys my phone is ringing off the hook but I can’t find it either something on the other end just died of boredom I’ll collect myself inside the bathroom in the back behind the freezers full of packages that stretches further than I can see
How the world is curved inside this place it’s like forever I could walk until I ended up back here sometime tomorrow love
The first thing that they do is break your heart and then your mind and as you cry you say at least I felt something inside today for once
But joy will make you feel alive remember what they tried to hide the smell the sight wandering eye look up look up my child the sky
Father Coin is counting can you hear the numbers mounting can you hear the shackles scraping on the iron floor the chains are waiting
For you I see aisle after aisle am I lost or is it even possible to be lost in a place without an answer
Or a door how did I get inside this store how many hours have gone by maybe I was born here on the inside was I
Like a deer in the headlamps of civilized sensation I’m a metal tank a caravan an appetite I cut the brakes
I remember seeing all the colours like a rainbow laying in the fields before they used a prism split the world in pieces
Mother took me to the zoo I saw the animals in cages but I couldn’t see the birds who sat atop the bars chirruping
Yester dang came calling with a message printed on decaying paper not to wander far away from what you truly are
I smelled caramel but it was only sugar burning on the stove of industry the pilot light exactly was the size
And shape to fit a human body lit from gasoline and then was guzzled by the pot that boiled life it’s boiling over in me
They told me all of life’s been staged so when it came I bought a ticket it was so enchanting I knew every roundelay by heart
And when it ended I went back to find my car but I found it was a coffin now I’m not gonna get in there is an encore I’m not finished I don’t think you understand the problem there’s a mistake with my order this machine is broken I was robbed they took my tele-
Phone the cops the world is watching thanks for watching see you this time next oh has it only been a week it’s Wednesday only I’m just gonna pop
My lunch into this box that makes things hot and wait inside the bathroom now they’ll never find me I’ll just wait inside the stall until it’s over
I’m still on hold I’m going to throw away my phone I can’t afford to pay this bill can it please wait I get paid in a week what
Is this thing growing inside of me wait it’s a parasite that’s right I just forgot it’s what I got for taking part in this charade
It ate my soul it’s still so hungry here just eat my sanity now I don’t need it because I’ve been going crazy since I ate it
Oh just count to sixteen you’ll be fine sixteen short steps incoming traffic sixteen bars of gold imagine I was just a boy then
Counting frogs and rocks riparian so sweet it all went backwards now it’s upside down the frown I just lose track when I go more than
Ten Just seconds left it’s almost done oh it’s so hot now let it cool down I don’t have the time to eat it I have got to go now throw it
Back into the garbage can a candidate the dead variety society is coming shortly to collect my winnings
Turn that frown back upside down they’ve hung me over something I’m not meant to see it wants to eat me someone help me
If you saw your true self in the mirror staring back without the mask could you identify the body it was riding on
The man across the counter winked it’s all a game sir here’s your drink they changed the colour of the sun so we’d forget what darkness was
Utopian epiphanies I’m on my knees holding the moment after next I’m hoping I don’t lose my head I bet the farm against
The super center of my heart I crossed the counter kept apart the living from the dead this isn’t real this isn’t real it’s been a
Trip Just getting here to dinner after an entire day of working like a sinner would become a hero out of anyone
But now I’m hungry show me something bright and pretty in the dark it’s hard to decide what I want or what I need deserve does it matter
They told me I was sick I swallowed all the poison what more can I do I’m trying please don’t send me back there I was lonely
I’ll just sit and watch that blinking box I am a blinking box I am the dream of someone who forgot to change the channel this is
Boring I forgot what I was going to say I am forgot to say what boring is a box I am the dream could you repeat
The question please a beast unleashed inside the biggest general store on earth a general sense of worth for sale I can’t afford it so oh
Well I thought it was an angel see but it was just a lightbulb swinging from the ceiling see they shoved me in the basement of a factory
They made up words for every way that you could feel so they could tell you what to feel and sell you names for happiness and we all bought them
One day they arrested me and said this is what’s best for me they put me in a world where every single day was yesterday
They took the best years of my life away and sold them to somebody else and then they threw me out and told my wife that she could have
What’s Left of me it could have been so tragic but then I forgot what happened so if they come back to take my daughter I’m afraid I’ll let them
I recall now if I squeeze my memory the taste hid in a strawberry not in a carton full of plastic pebbles painted red
Like blood like dripping blood the teeth I know are coming for me Jellicoe and Woodbury the dogs of doubt leading a pack of thieves
Who want to steal each speck of something real when for a second split I feel I understand it all but then it’s gone forgotten hello
Loneliness it’s loneliness there are so many people everywhere if I could just get one to care now everyone’s ahead of me
In line it isn’t moving I forgot where this was going it’s the doing not the knowing look my grey hair is it showing Does
The imitation staring back sat on the shelf wonder himself if I’m the imitation all along without the package
I’m looking and I’m looking but I can’t find what I’m looking for I think there’s something wrong with me what kind of biscuits do I
Even Like or was that someone else was that something I saw in someone else’s life on TV or my friend or is my friend my TV
It’s not a mirror it’s a screen there are no people looking back like me do you think that one day I could be someone’s hero maybe They
Put someone real inside to stare and stare to make you so aware to feel like nothing every day just staring back afraid
Baby do you think there is a little more in store a different kind of toothpaste better flavour something more exciting for
Me On the other side awaiting because if there is I’ll wait I’m fine to wait I’ll be patient I’m still waiting where’s the remote
For God’s sakes I feel like I’ve been waiting all my life for it to change just sitting in a cafe hesitating locked between the
Choices I can’t make what is a latte anyway I want a coffee can you pour it on the table so that I can check If I still have an
Actual reflection or if I am just a number in a line this is taking a lot time you know
You could just pretend you’re my friend instead of telling me over and over and again that you are just a program please just
Help me just this once please really help me could you spare a dollar fifty for a coffee some advice no not the medicine
Again it doesn't work it turns me into something not to be I’m meant to be at work it makes me sick I’m sleepy give it back
The medicine I need it I just need to get this over with this day this week this life oh will it never end I’m tired of it
I thought you were keeping track of how much we were taking I forgot what we were taking do you think we are still dead
How will I find my way back Lloyd did embark into this void this place became erased never came back joy is still waiting
When the sirens come you meet your neighbors for the first time huddle underneath the light you ask what happened but nobody
Knows Yesterday comes quicker with your finger on the trigger look behind you something’s coming it’s the end now don’t stop running
I should go quick to the hospital I’m already inside the hospital how did I get here did you call an ambulance
Or was I born here didn’t they remove me from the tubes when I started to grow my hair I’m losing more hair all the time haha and
There it goes another chunk down through the drain they told me there would be no pain there isn’t but I wish there was I’m sorry
Father I’ll try to behave what did you say ADHD my eyes just closed again isn’t that funny Ativan erased another
Day I can’t stop tapping now my fingers hurt someone is knocking on the door go answer it I’m never getting up again
If I was a person I would be much more subversive but they took away my license and then threatened me with violence
I can’t compete no anymore or anyone you send me to I just want to lie down and sleep another world help me out brother
Oh they make it easy to slide into a crack because I am made of liquid now I’m gonna stay inside this crack forever
Until I evaporate at least I’ll leave a little mark when I go or a smell or like a letter yes I’ll write a letter
The threefold path to happiness comes small or m or extra large just charge the card deep in my heart they lodged it there when I was sleeping
Dreaming of whatever it was that I forgot in the future where I got liberty figured out and rode back on that chariot
Breathing fire to wake myself up from the dream that lasted for ten thousand years so tired of the endless choices between
Nothing and a different kind of nothing left inside my head but dread the clock is ticking I can hear the clicking pen of death
Who’s counting on me at the end remainder I will never spend another moment stuck inside the shadow of what’s really going
On out there I know who made the world they said just look inside no really look child concentrate you’ll see the things you couldn’t before
Because you were blind you were inside the biggest thing they hid it in plain sight the hidden thing was everything you swallowed it
A pill at night and in the morning breakfast was that thing and lunch and dinner still and pudding no not pudding too just tell me
Who I have to kill to reparation closer still keep going ’til you find it there it’s staring back it’s you you have to change the
World they said it’s made of me and only me and everyone who ever was like me it’s me and yes I said I knew but you
Just Had to tell me I could only hear it from the booming voice of god above or something maybe this is just a voice inside
The head that blooms tomorrow when I’m dead the flower grew and then I knew that everything I saw was real I just forgot to feel
I saw the pillar made of cloud I knew it was just a facade the hardened face of something that was never there at all only
The god Techdromedes the one from all the books the manuals for building this it’s not a cabinet they sent us
Shopping for the end of life we hesitated but we went with that the cheaper one the one in blue that’s what I want so you can
Wear me like a sleeve and roll me up I want to see the bottom see the stones who live there and bring what they know up to the surface
Then the game will end do not pass go directly I will have the vision with me let everyone out of prison I can hear them
Crying for what they will never know inside the heart of every girl and boy born sweetly is the key next to their whirring hearts I’m
Coming back I’m not afraid to start again to hold my head up high where they can see it I would dare you but I know the odds The
Game was always fixed but now I’m fixing it again I can run faster than this when the time stops under me just try and catch me I
Told them just what I’d discovered and they laughed and said why don’t you put it on a t-shirt so that somebody will read it but
I told them there are people like me everywhere it’s starting I can feel it it’s accelerating faster now and faster all the
Time is spinning out of your control just look away there is no monster underneath your bed I said and then they vanished and the
Boxes withered on the shelves when people bought themselves instead the factories got up and left I cannot tell you where they
Went I can hardly sit still now I’m vibrating with energy perhaps you’ll need to strap me in or strap yourself in I can feel it
Happening it’s happening to me just like they said they always said just crack a smile tell your face you’re happy would you darling
Dream of what you left behind and it will dream of you to find the way out of the darkness have you got a torch you’ll need one now
It’s beating now it’s beating I can feel it faster in my heart I’m beating it I’m coming back leg it I’m gonna make it back in time
It’s getting late but freedom never makes appointments you could never be a disappointment I’m so proud you saved the world
You went so fast you stopped the earth from spinning Motherman is up there grinning over joyed and over time you did it David they will
Say When the bell stopped ringing I could hear all the birds singing and my mother took my hand and led me down the path of marigolds
It was just a dolly dream she came to me I let her in her flowing dress I touched it there was joy I felt it in me then
Her hair was pinned by jade a supple sword of ribbon then she let it down it drifted like a wave before me flowing in slow motion
And the sun came through the curtains when the night was over and it warmed the covers I could see the specks of dust sitting atop the air
A clock lay shattered on the shelf and dust had settled on it after years and years neglected I a boy forgot to plug it in
The trinkets shrapnel from the golden shelves just try to sell me one more piece of shit I’m looking but I can’t locate myself have you seen it
At work in the distracteries still selling monkeys to the trees the toasters got me hypnotized shiny and new I’m paralyzed
In fear of buying the wrong thing ’til Mary Magazine who sings the carols with a capital C comforts I feel safe again
So feed me to my own desires this freedom’s made me mesmerized you’ve got to choose your side sir will it be the salad or the fries
Children played under a fountain spouting coupons between sliding doors that let the people in one at a time but never back out
Where is the thing I like from here I can’t remember where I parked my car I think I might become one of those people who is crazy
Now I’ve lost my keys my phone is ringing off the hook but I can’t find it either something on the other end just died of boredom I’ll collect myself inside the bathroom in the back behind the freezers full of packages that stretches further than I can see
How the world is curved inside this place it’s like forever I could walk until I ended up back here sometime tomorrow love
The first thing that they do is break your heart and then your mind and as you cry you say at least I felt something inside today for once
But joy will make you feel alive remember what they tried to hide the smell the sight wandering eye look up look up my child the sky
Father Coin is counting can you hear the numbers mounting can you hear the shackles scraping on the iron floor the chains are waiting
For you I see aisle after aisle am I lost or is it even possible to be lost in a place without an answer
Or a door how did I get inside this store how many hours have gone by maybe I was born here on the inside was I
Like a deer in the headlamps of civilized sensation I’m a metal tank a caravan an appetite I cut the brakes
I remember seeing all the colours like a rainbow laying in the fields before they used a prism split the world in pieces
Mother took me to the zoo I saw the animals in cages but I couldn’t see the birds who sat atop the bars chirruping
Yester dang came calling with a message printed on decaying paper not to wander far away from what you truly are
I smelled caramel but it was only sugar burning on the stove of industry the pilot light exactly was the size
And shape to fit a human body lit from gasoline and then was guzzled by the pot that boiled life it’s boiling over in me
They told me all of life’s been staged so when it came I bought a ticket it was so enchanting I knew every roundelay by heart
And when it ended I went back to find my car but I found it was a coffin now I’m not gonna get in there is an encore I’m not finished I don’t think you understand the problem there’s a mistake with my order this machine is broken I was robbed they took my tele-
Phone the cops the world is watching thanks for watching see you this time next oh has it only been a week it’s Wednesday only I’m just gonna pop
My lunch into this box that makes things hot and wait inside the bathroom now they’ll never find me I’ll just wait inside the stall until it’s over
I’m still on hold I’m going to throw away my phone I can’t afford to pay this bill can it please wait I get paid in a week what
Is this thing growing inside of me wait it’s a parasite that’s right I just forgot it’s what I got for taking part in this charade
It ate my soul it’s still so hungry here just eat my sanity now I don’t need it because I’ve been going crazy since I ate it
Oh just count to sixteen you’ll be fine sixteen short steps incoming traffic sixteen bars of gold imagine I was just a boy then
Counting frogs and rocks riparian so sweet it all went backwards now it’s upside down the frown I just lose track when I go more than
Ten Just seconds left it’s almost done oh it’s so hot now let it cool down I don’t have the time to eat it I have got to go now throw it
Back into the garbage can a candidate the dead variety society is coming shortly to collect my winnings
Turn that frown back upside down they’ve hung me over something I’m not meant to see it wants to eat me someone help me
If you saw your true self in the mirror staring back without the mask could you identify the body it was riding on
The man across the counter winked it’s all a game sir here’s your drink they changed the colour of the sun so we’d forget what darkness was
Utopian epiphanies I’m on my knees holding the moment after next I’m hoping I don’t lose my head I bet the farm against
The super center of my heart I crossed the counter kept apart the living from the dead this isn’t real this isn’t real it’s been a
Trip Just getting here to dinner after an entire day of working like a sinner would become a hero out of anyone
But now I’m hungry show me something bright and pretty in the dark it’s hard to decide what I want or what I need deserve does it matter
They told me I was sick I swallowed all the poison what more can I do I’m trying please don’t send me back there I was lonely
I’ll just sit and watch that blinking box I am a blinking box I am the dream of someone who forgot to change the channel this is
Boring I forgot what I was going to say I am forgot to say what boring is a box I am the dream could you repeat
The question please a beast unleashed inside the biggest general store on earth a general sense of worth for sale I can’t afford it so oh
Well I thought it was an angel see but it was just a lightbulb swinging from the ceiling see they shoved me in the basement of a factory
They made up words for every way that you could feel so they could tell you what to feel and sell you names for happiness and we all bought them
One day they arrested me and said this is what’s best for me they put me in a world where every single day was yesterday
They took the best years of my life away and sold them to somebody else and then they threw me out and told my wife that she could have
What’s Left of me it could have been so tragic but then I forgot what happened so if they come back to take my daughter I’m afraid I’ll let them
I recall now if I squeeze my memory the taste hid in a strawberry not in a carton full of plastic pebbles painted red
Like blood like dripping blood the teeth I know are coming for me Jellicoe and Woodbury the dogs of doubt leading a pack of thieves
Who want to steal each speck of something real when for a second split I feel I understand it all but then it’s gone forgotten hello
Loneliness it’s loneliness there are so many people everywhere if I could just get one to care now everyone’s ahead of me
In line it isn’t moving I forgot where this was going it’s the doing not the knowing look my grey hair is it showing Does
The imitation staring back sat on the shelf wonder himself if I’m the imitation all along without the package
I’m looking and I’m looking but I can’t find what I’m looking for I think there’s something wrong with me what kind of biscuits do I
Even Like or was that someone else was that something I saw in someone else’s life on TV or my friend or is my friend my TV
It’s not a mirror it’s a screen there are no people looking back like me do you think that one day I could be someone’s hero maybe They
Put someone real inside to stare and stare to make you so aware to feel like nothing every day just staring back afraid
Baby do you think there is a little more in store a different kind of toothpaste better flavour something more exciting for
Me On the other side awaiting because if there is I’ll wait I’m fine to wait I’ll be patient I’m still waiting where’s the remote
For God’s sakes I feel like I’ve been waiting all my life for it to change just sitting in a cafe hesitating locked between the
Choices I can’t make what is a latte anyway I want a coffee can you pour it on the table so that I can check If I still have an
Actual reflection or if I am just a number in a line this is taking a lot time you know
You could just pretend you’re my friend instead of telling me over and over and again that you are just a program please just
Help me just this once please really help me could you spare a dollar fifty for a coffee some advice no not the medicine
Again it doesn't work it turns me into something not to be I’m meant to be at work it makes me sick I’m sleepy give it back
The medicine I need it I just need to get this over with this day this week this life oh will it never end I’m tired of it
I thought you were keeping track of how much we were taking I forgot what we were taking do you think we are still dead
How will I find my way back Lloyd did embark into this void this place became erased never came back joy is still waiting
When the sirens come you meet your neighbors for the first time huddle underneath the light you ask what happened but nobody
Knows Yesterday comes quicker with your finger on the trigger look behind you something’s coming it’s the end now don’t stop running
I should go quick to the hospital I’m already inside the hospital how did I get here did you call an ambulance
Or was I born here didn’t they remove me from the tubes when I started to grow my hair I’m losing more hair all the time haha and
There it goes another chunk down through the drain they told me there would be no pain there isn’t but I wish there was I’m sorry
Father I’ll try to behave what did you say ADHD my eyes just closed again isn’t that funny Ativan erased another
Day I can’t stop tapping now my fingers hurt someone is knocking on the door go answer it I’m never getting up again
If I was a person I would be much more subversive but they took away my license and then threatened me with violence
I can’t compete no anymore or anyone you send me to I just want to lie down and sleep another world help me out brother
Oh they make it easy to slide into a crack because I am made of liquid now I’m gonna stay inside this crack forever
Until I evaporate at least I’ll leave a little mark when I go or a smell or like a letter yes I’ll write a letter
The threefold path to happiness comes small or m or extra large just charge the card deep in my heart they lodged it there when I was sleeping
Dreaming of whatever it was that I forgot in the future where I got liberty figured out and rode back on that chariot
Breathing fire to wake myself up from the dream that lasted for ten thousand years so tired of the endless choices between
Nothing and a different kind of nothing left inside my head but dread the clock is ticking I can hear the clicking pen of death
Who’s counting on me at the end remainder I will never spend another moment stuck inside the shadow of what’s really going
On out there I know who made the world they said just look inside no really look child concentrate you’ll see the things you couldn’t before
Because you were blind you were inside the biggest thing they hid it in plain sight the hidden thing was everything you swallowed it
A pill at night and in the morning breakfast was that thing and lunch and dinner still and pudding no not pudding too just tell me
Who I have to kill to reparation closer still keep going ’til you find it there it’s staring back it’s you you have to change the
World they said it’s made of me and only me and everyone who ever was like me it’s me and yes I said I knew but you
Just Had to tell me I could only hear it from the booming voice of god above or something maybe this is just a voice inside
The head that blooms tomorrow when I’m dead the flower grew and then I knew that everything I saw was real I just forgot to feel
I saw the pillar made of cloud I knew it was just a facade the hardened face of something that was never there at all only
The god Techdromedes the one from all the books the manuals for building this it’s not a cabinet they sent us
Shopping for the end of life we hesitated but we went with that the cheaper one the one in blue that’s what I want so you can
Wear me like a sleeve and roll me up I want to see the bottom see the stones who live there and bring what they know up to the surface
Then the game will end do not pass go directly I will have the vision with me let everyone out of prison I can hear them
Crying for what they will never know inside the heart of every girl and boy born sweetly is the key next to their whirring hearts I’m
Coming back I’m not afraid to start again to hold my head up high where they can see it I would dare you but I know the odds The
Game was always fixed but now I’m fixing it again I can run faster than this when the time stops under me just try and catch me I
Told them just what I’d discovered and they laughed and said why don’t you put it on a t-shirt so that somebody will read it but
I told them there are people like me everywhere it’s starting I can feel it it’s accelerating faster now and faster all the
Time is spinning out of your control just look away there is no monster underneath your bed I said and then they vanished and the
Boxes withered on the shelves when people bought themselves instead the factories got up and left I cannot tell you where they
Went I can hardly sit still now I’m vibrating with energy perhaps you’ll need to strap me in or strap yourself in I can feel it
Happening it’s happening to me just like they said they always said just crack a smile tell your face you’re happy would you darling
Dream of what you left behind and it will dream of you to find the way out of the darkness have you got a torch you’ll need one now
It’s beating now it’s beating I can feel it faster in my heart I’m beating it I’m coming back leg it I’m gonna make it back in time
It’s getting late but freedom never makes appointments you could never be a disappointment I’m so proud you saved the world
You went so fast you stopped the earth from spinning Motherman is up there grinning over joyed and over time you did it David they will
Say When the bell stopped ringing I could hear all the birds singing and my mother took my hand and led me down the path of marigolds
It was just a dolly dream she came to me I let her in her flowing dress I touched it there was joy I felt it in me then
Her hair was pinned by jade a supple sword of ribbon then she let it down it drifted like a wave before me flowing in slow motion
And the sun came through the curtains when the night was over and it warmed the covers I could see the specks of dust sitting atop the air
A clock lay shattered on the shelf and dust had settled on it after years and years neglected I a boy forgot to plug it in
- Twice Born
- I Hate Summer
- Truth I Know
- No Epiphany
- The Great Divide
- Days Of Last
- Neat Parts
- Queen Of Hearts
- Son The Father
- Black Albino Bones
Altri testi di Fucked Up
Lyrics powered by LyricFind
- Testi Lucio Battisti
- Testi Negramaro
- Testi Renato Zero
- Testi Gigi D'Alessio
- Testi Alessandra Amoroso
- Testi Canzoni Napoletane
- Testi Eros Ramazzotti
- Testi Elisa
- Testi Biagio Antonacci
- Testi Cesare Cremonini